The MISSION of First Lutheran Church is to fulfill God’s purposes in the world by proclaiming His promises, sharing His unconditional love and serving the needs of our neighbors.


Our VALUES are directly inspired by the actions of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We seek to NURTURE. Jesus was particularly fond of children and looked out for them because they were among the least in their culture. As natural models of faith, hope and wonder, children are not only the future church, but they are the church now. A church full of children is a critical element of our mission and life together. We seek to provide all children of our community a safe place where they can grow and develop into all that God has made them to be.

We seek to INCLUDE. Jesus welcomed all people to Himself without condition, especially those most vulnerable in this harsh and judgemental world. Jesus met sinners right where they were, and without imposing a standard, loved them. That is God’s welcome. That is the Church’s welcome. That is grace. We seek to welcome all people into our church community, offering love and acceptance to all.

We seek RELATIONSHIP. When Jesus was on Earth, Jesus spoke to God the Father in a familiar, relational way. He cried, “Abba, Father,” calling upon God the same way we might call out, “Hey Dad!” God is our Heavenly father, and we can rely on Him. As part of the Church, we are God’s adopted sons and daughters. We believe he calls us to be good brothers and sisters, both supporting and relying on each other. We seek to help one another develop meaningful relationships with God and each other.

We seek GOD'S POWER for the here and now. Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He graciously promised to send all believers a helper, the Holy Spirit. We are not alone. Faith brings all the majesty of the Creator of the universe right into our midst. Faith stands to change and renew every part of our life all the time. We do not wish to merely “go through the motions” on Sunday morning, through faith, we seek the power of God that gives people the ability to fulfill God’s purposes in the real places of people’s lives.  

Join us this Sunday to worship and reflect on God’s love for His people. May God inspire and bless our hearts and lives as we gather together in His name.